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  /  Blog   /  A 30 Minutes of Physical activity is key to good health

A 30 Minutes of Physical activity is key to good health

A regular exercise routine doesn’t come easy. Old or young, one must avoid excuses and put in effort to develop a consistent habit. Excuses can only help you restrict yourself from attaining overall well being.

How much time do you need on a daily basis for physical activity?
This is the first question that everyone comes up with because the common excuse is always how busy one is, and they have no time. Well, the simple answer is “30 minutes.” Yes, you read that right! That is all you need, a very small part of your day for yourself, and you will notice magic unfold if you become a stickler to this habit.

How do you ensure you get into this routine and make it a habit?
Let us admit it, it is not easy to start with we suggest you start your routine with a partner. Find someone you know would help you ensure you do not miss on the promises you made to yourself and to each other about being active. This is your dependable character who is there for you come rain or shine and drags you out to get your dose of activity for the day. And you are also there for your partner on days when he or she does not feel like getting out. This is a great way to ensure you develop this into a habit.
Adding variety is another great way to ensure you do not fall off your habit. If you are a person who gets bored very easily, then pick up different kinds of activities that keep you engaged. Walk a day, run the next, cycle another day, practice Yoga. Anything that helps you stay interested is the secret mantra to make physical activity a habit.

What kind of activities should I start?
One thing you should be careful about is to not wear yourself out with a vigorous workout session on day one. That is a sure-fire way to scare yourself out after the first day as it feels terribly hard. Ease into it gradually and make a 10% improvement week on week. You will then notice how each day starts feeling easier and better. Before you know it, you will start waking up every day excited to get on with your regular dose of physical activity.

What are the benefit of 30 mins of physical activity?
Working out daily is not just a benefactor for getting in great shape, there are various other reasons why one might start exercising regularly. Here are a few reasons to help you boost your motivation:
Reduce your chances of heart diseases
Exercising increases the blood flow and circulation in your body, which then increases the oxygen levels in your body, this will ultimately help you lower any chances of heart risks. You can also keep your blood pressure levels in check with an adequate amount of workout.
Improve your mental health and mood
When working out, your body releases chemicals like adrenaline that make you feel less stressed and more relaxed. This helps you feel lighter in the mind and improve your mood.
Helps you retain your learning and thinking ability as you age
Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which improve focus and attention. It positively enhances the structure and function of your brain and a physical routine keeps doing so as you age

Strengthens your muscles and bones
Your muscles and bones support every movement your body makes. Your muscles strengthen as you continue a physical regime, and your bones start regenerating cells and as a result; both your muscles and bones become increasingly stronger.

Make it a point to start your daily routine. Remember not to be too harsh on yourself if you are unable to do it daily. Start slow with 10-15 minutes of stretching and 15-20 minutes of a brisk walk. Gradually transition into a more strenuous routine and enjoy life at its best.

  • Reduce your chances of heart diseases
  • Exercising increases the blood flow and circulation in your body, which then increases the oxygen levels in your body, this will ultimately help you lower any chances of heart risks. You can also keep your blood pressure levels in check with an adequate amount of workout.
  • Improve your mental health and mood
  • When working out, your body releases chemicals like adrenaline that make you feel less stressed and more relaxed. This helps you feel lighter in the mind and improve your mood.
  • Helps you retain your learning and thinking ability as you age
  • Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels—all of which improve focus and attention. It positively enhances the structure and function of your brain and a physical routine keeps doing so as you age
  • Strengthens your muscles and bones
  • Your muscles and bones support every movement your body makes. Your muscles strengthen as you continue a physical regime, and your bones start regenerating cells and as a result; both your muscles and bones become increasingly stronger.

Make it a point to start your daily routine. Remember not to be too harsh on yourself if you are unable to do it daily. Start slow with 10-15 minutes of stretching and 15-20 minutes of a brisk walk. Gradually transition into a more strenuous routine and enjoy life at its best.

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